FIRM24 Blog

Stay up-to-date with the latest information regarding incorporating a Limited Liability Company in understandable language.

Firm24 vs regular notary

Dec 22 , 2022

Incorporate a BV, Firm24 vs a regular notary

How can Firm24 offer a BV cheaper, with better service and with the latest innovations in comparison to a regular notary?Firm24 is an online service platform that mediates between client and notary and advises as well. Due to the services we offer, it is now possible to incorporate your BV online fully as well as manage your BV. This is how we ensure that you as an entrepreneur can invest your valuable time in what is most important to you: entrepreneurship. By using the newest software and excellent services we provide the option for you to incorporate your BV fast and for the best price. How we make all of this possible, we will explain to you below.

Aug 1 , 2022

30% facility: what is it and does it apply to me?

The Netherlands is often considered as a country with an attractive business climate for expats. For many people living abroad, working in the Netherlands will lead to advantageous taxation. One of these tax facilities is the 30% facility. In this article, we will explain who can apply for this facility and what advantages this can lead to.
Book with a computer

Mei 4 , 2022

The Chamber of commerce in the Netherlands

If you want to become an entrepreneur in the Netherlands you must be registered in the Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel). But what is the Chamber of Commerce exactly? And how do you verify your company in the Netherlands? In this article you will read all about it.
What is the UBO-register?

Apr 16 , 2022

What is the UBO-register?

On September 27th, 2020, the UBO register shall take effect. This is a register in which all ultimate beneficial owners (or “UBOs”) will be logged. You can compare the UBO register with the Chamber of Commerce register, with a similar possibility to download a UBO extract. This extract shows who the ultimate stakeholders/owners are behind your company. These are shareholders who own 25% or more of the shares. For you as an entrepreneur and for us as Firm24 this means that a number of things will change in our services. Below we answer some frequently asked questions.

Mrt 1 , 2022

Brexit: what happens for UK businesses?

Brexit was the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union on 1 January 2021. Key from a business perspective is that the UK is no longer a member of the internal market and customs union of the EU. This means that the EU member states function as a single trading area with no border checks or tariffs, a combined VAT system and little requirement for import and/or export documentation. What impact does Brexit have on you as a UK entrepreneur? And how can we help?
The Dutch bv

Feb 1 , 2022

Incorporate a Dutch BV through our platform - Fast and reliable - FIRM24

For many entrepreneurs from outside of Europe, expansion to the European continent can be an interesting step. One of the first big decisions that have to be made before starting this new chapter, is choosing the right country from which to base the new branch of your company. The Netherlands has long been a popular country for many entrepreneurs from all over the world. The Dutch BV is a private limited liability company. This means that owners are in principle not personally liable for the company’s debts or liabilities. In this article we will explain why so many companies have chosen to select the Netherlands as their European home.

Jan 14 , 2022

The pros and cons Dutch Legal Entities - FIRM24

Every legal entity has its pros and cons with regard to tax planning. In this article we will discuss the (dis)advantages of each legal entity, giving you insight on which entity would fit your situation best.
co2 neutraal in 2020

Jan 7 , 2020

Firm24's services are C02 neutral

The new year has begun again. The lists of good intentions are popping up like mushrooms again and the gyms are filled to capacity. At Firm24 we also had a resolution: give something back for the climate! The news is flooded with climate issues these days. Whether it's the forest fires in Australia, Greta Thunberg's protests, heat waves throughout the world or the problems with the airline industry: the topic is alive and well. For us, these were enough reasons to consider for ourselves what we could do to reduce our "footprint.